
Selection guide

Select the transducer you need

Select your settings

  • Frequency
  • Piezo diameter
  • Serie

The reference of the transducer is: TR0114LS

Technical specifications

Impedance: around 50 ohm
Cable: RG174
Connecteur: BNC
Case material: stainless steel (316L)
Front material: epoxy
Maximum pressure: 30 Bar
Maximum temp: 60 degrees
Typical insertion loss:

How insertion loss is measured...
Ultrasonic field for TR0114LS

Available series

Different series for different case options and different temperature range...

  • Standard series: LS

    Stainless steel housing (316L).
    Length of the case = 90 mm.
    Diameter of the case : depends on the diameter of the piezo.
    Maximum operating temperature : 60 degrees

  • Short series: SS

    Stainless steel housing (316L).
    Length of the case = 30 mm.
    Diameter of the case : depends on the diameter of the piezo.
    Maximum operating temperature : 60 degrees

  • High temperature series: LH

    Stainless steel housing (316L).
    Length of the case = 90 mm.
    Diameter of the case : depends on the diameter of the piezo.
    Maximum operating temperature : 230 degrees

  • Ultra short series, with axial cable output: AS

    Stainless steel housing (316L).
    Length of the case = 10 to 15 mm (depends on selection).
    Diameter of the case : depends on the diameter of the piezo.
    Maximum operating temperature : 60 degrees

  • Ultra short series, with radial cable output: RS

    Stainless steel housing (316L).
    Length of the case = 10 to 15 mm (depends on selection).
    Diameter of the case : depends on the diameter of the piezo.
    Maximum operating temperature : 60 degrees

Guide line

The first thing to do is to select the highest emitting frequency as possible, as the highest emitting frequency gives the best spatial resolution. But unfortunately, the highest emitting frequency can often not the best choice, because:

  • The maximum velocity and the maximum depth are linked.
    Use UDOP software. After the selection of the default parameters, select an emitting frequency and the maximum depth. The velocity button will give you the maximum measurable velocity.

  • The attenuation of the ultrasonic waves depends on their frequency. Most liquids, like water or liquid metal, do not attenuate significantly the ultrasonic waves, but some, like oil, can avoid the use of a high emitting frequency. Also the attenuation coefficient of most plastics increases with the frequency.
When the ultrasonic frequency is defined, the next step is to select the piezo diameter. The following points must be taken into account:

  • A small diameter means a less sensible probe.
  • A large diameter means a less diverging beam, which implies a smaller sampling volume.
  • A large diameter means a longer near field, which means that the measurememt close to the probe will be affected by the oscillation of the ultrasonic pressure field.
Again, the UDOP software helps in the selection of the probe, as it allows a visualisation of the width of the ultrasonic beam versus depth for almost all avaialble transducers. ("tool" menu -> "Measure US field" -> "Recall from file").

The last step is to select a case and a temperature range. The case has no influence on the ultrasonic properties of the probe. Its selection should be based on the available space.

Deported matching

If the probe must be used in a high magnetic field environment (few Tesla) it is recommended to use the option "Deported matching impedance".

The reason comes from the fact that a high magnetic field may influence the inductive components used to match the electrical impedance of the piezo to the instrument. For such a probe the electrical matching components are located in a small stainless steel tube placed close to the BNC connector of the probe.

Custom design

In case you do not find the transducer you need, especially if you need a particular case, do not hesitate to ask for a quote. We often offer and realize custom probes and no additional cost.